typo OUR legislature. This idea grew out of my two years on the Drug Abuse and the Courts Task Force and 5 years on the NC Drivers License Medical Review Board where I severed as Chairman of Physicians and wrote "Chaos, Alcoholism, and DWI" for the NC Medical Journal, Aug 1991 Vol 52. No 8 pp 394-397

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Hi Robert! So glad you are continuing your excellent presence in out legislature. Do you think the Sheriffs List could be a useful tool for reducing drug abuse and the related criminal behavior and public risk?

Improve this.

Might we all, Californians included, consider The Sheriff's List?

Law now. Illegal for a physician to prescribe an addictive drug to someone ONLY because they are addicted.

If anyone recognized themselves as an addict, they would be allowed to go to local Sheriff's Office and sign up as addicted. They would be placed in an addicted data base and surrender their driver's license. They would be issued a Sheriff's List Card to be carried at all times marked driver that is subject to testing for alcohol or any other possibly impairing substance via breath, blood, hair or tissue analysis with a zero tolerance to avoid confiscation of the vehicle and DWI. If they have no driver's license their card would be so marked. Sheriff's List Card would make it legal for a physician to prescribe and pharmacist to fill prescription for their drug of addiction until that person could enter an accredited treatment facility. Thus these people are put on a pathway toward treatment rather than on a path to crime and back to their drug dealer. If one is convicted of any crime while on the Sheriff's List, the penalty for that conviction is doubled. Enormous profits of selling illegal drugs would be cut off as most of these drugs are cheap through legal pharmacy channels. Business model of selling illegal drugs is so profitable because every step is illegal; production, distribution, sales, and end use. This does not make drugs legal, but it drains away the very best customers. Sign up for the Sheriff's List instead of stealing from your Mamma's pocketbook or Target.

John R. Dykers, Jr. MD PO Box 565 or 1783 Alston Bridge Rd. Siler City, NC 27344 919-201-9687 after NOON cv and bio at www.dykers.com

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